Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 2012 Elder Blog

Christmas Season Greetings to Hope Church,

During our dating years, I attempted to expand my birth-day into a birth-week. Looking back, it really was a great time to attempt such a feat.  We were still in the early stages of our relationship and although it may not have really ever turned into any more gifts or special attention, I still try.  

Birthdays certainly are a special time.  Birthdays are a time to celebrate, not another year of getting older, but another look back on what significance that person has had in our lives.  Some years may seem more special than others.  Maybe a landmark 18th birthday or maybe just another day that you went to work, came home and did the nightly routine, maybe even no cake or candles. 

But Christ’s birthday is special every year.  As we have been learning in the sermon series, He is our King.  He deserves our full attention and recognition.  This is a time we can celebrate his entrance into the world as we know it and the ultimate significance that comes with His arrival.  He is worthy of celebration beyond just the day we call Christmas.  Although my own attempts have been unsuccessful to expand my own birth-day, He truly deserves our attention throughout the Christmas season. 

This Christmas season we are as excited as ever to celebrate Christ’s birthday and we are as excited as ever to be a part of the Hope community.   Our annual business meeting will take place on Sunday night, January 27th.  Watch for details in the upcoming weeks.  We hope to see you there.  We are currently working on establishing a Trustee’s Committee.  This very important group will be responsible for decisions pertaining to the land and property use.  We are also continuing our search for additional Elder candidates.  Contact one of the elders if you have questions or are interested in serving either of these areas. 

Blessings this Christmas Season,

David Portmann, - Elder

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 2012 Elder Blog

People of Hope Church:

Welcome fall!  I love this time of year.  The changing leaves, cooler temperatures, and football! (Especially now that the official referees are back for the NFL games). 

Speaking of fall, the term “harvest” is mentioned many times throughout the Bible.  Luke 10 says “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, to send out workers into his harvest field”.  As we know, workers are key to the harvest process.  Hope Church has been blessed by many volunteers who serve throughout the week.  You are an integral part of the church family and we appreciate you very much!  If you have yet to plug into a ministry we have many opportunities for you.   Please check out the Information Booth for additional options on how you can serve.

A reminder that October 21st at 7pm is our final Business Meeting for this year.  The agenda will include:
·      A vote to update the bylaws to include additional language for the Senior and Associate Pastor sections stating that a 2/3 majority congregational vote is required for approval of these positions.
·      A recommendation to make absentee ballots available whenever we are voting on a staff position.
·      A financial update.  

We’re excited to serve as your elder board and thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Mike Henderson - Elder

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 2012 Elder Blog

Congregation of Hope:

Once again we pack away our vacation clothes, buy up our school supplies, and mourn the nearing of summer’s conclusion.  On behalf of the elder board, welcome back to all of you who were intermittently away for vacations over the past season.  We pray that all are well-rested and looking forward to the season of color-change.  The elders are excited for the coming season and wanted to make note of a few pressing issues.

Hope church has been quite dynamic over the summer.  Pastor Jessie is working hard in his expanded role as pastor of media arts, and we welcome Curt Vandersteld into his new role as youth pastor.  We are so blessed to have them helping our youth grow in Christ.  We’re also excited to have new small group leaders step forward and kick-off the next phase of “The Story.”  This is also a great opportunity to ask all of you to evaluate the gifts that God has given you.  One of Hope’s fundamental concepts (one of the G’s) is that all of us have been given gifts to serve God.  Are you using your gifts for God’s work though church?  The elders continuously work to find volunteers to perform church-related tasks (missions, gardens, outreach, etc).  Please take time to pray about how you can better use your gifts for the work of the church, and take the next step to volunteer.

One final note; please “save the date” for our next congregational meeting.  We are planning on meeting on Oct 21st for our fourth and final meeting of the calendar year.  Thanks again for attending these meetings, the elders find them useful as a tool for our efforts at improving leadership’s transparency.

There are many other church “business-related” items that we’re working on.  Most of those will be outlined on separate bulletin announcements. We ask for your continued prayers as we serve as your leaders.

Scott Voskuil- Elder

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 2012 Elder Blog

Hooray Hope Church!
Celebration, praise and general exuberance is in order due to the results of our 3rd (count them three!) quarterly business meeting this past Sunday. This meeting was one of unity, joy and praise as we unanimously voted (84 to 0) to call Curt Vanderstelt as our new Youth Pastor. If you haven't yet had
the chance to meet him, I think you'll be excited once you do at the opportunities his passion, abilities and experience offer our church.

The second major vote was for Pastor Jesse Eels to expand his ministry to become "Pastor of Family Ministry and Media Arts" (83-1). In this new role he will still oversee the "Orange Family Ministry" and the Children's Ministry, with the help of a Children's Ministry Coordinator, whose hours were also increased as a result of this vote by 8 hours per week. The really exciting news is he will be freed up more to lead our new "Media Arts" ministry, where he dedicates a portion of his time towards producing
cutting-edge video segments that will impact not only the children and youth, but all of us at Hope. We on the elder board are convinced this work will impact our church and community in significant ways in the months ahead.

Thanks to all of you who attended the meeting! If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of your elders or pastors.

One final word - It's my turn to "cross the pond"! My family and I will be traveling to Germany and France this coming week for vacation and to visit two of our exchange students over there. We are very excited to take this trip of a lifetime together, to visit some of Europe and to see our students again. We value your prayers for us on this trip and hope the rest of your summer is safe, enjoyable and rich with God's blessings!

Glenn Smith  - Elder