Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 2012 Elder Blog

Hooray Hope Church!
Celebration, praise and general exuberance is in order due to the results of our 3rd (count them three!) quarterly business meeting this past Sunday. This meeting was one of unity, joy and praise as we unanimously voted (84 to 0) to call Curt Vanderstelt as our new Youth Pastor. If you haven't yet had
the chance to meet him, I think you'll be excited once you do at the opportunities his passion, abilities and experience offer our church.

The second major vote was for Pastor Jesse Eels to expand his ministry to become "Pastor of Family Ministry and Media Arts" (83-1). In this new role he will still oversee the "Orange Family Ministry" and the Children's Ministry, with the help of a Children's Ministry Coordinator, whose hours were also increased as a result of this vote by 8 hours per week. The really exciting news is he will be freed up more to lead our new "Media Arts" ministry, where he dedicates a portion of his time towards producing
cutting-edge video segments that will impact not only the children and youth, but all of us at Hope. We on the elder board are convinced this work will impact our church and community in significant ways in the months ahead.

Thanks to all of you who attended the meeting! If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of your elders or pastors.

One final word - It's my turn to "cross the pond"! My family and I will be traveling to Germany and France this coming week for vacation and to visit two of our exchange students over there. We are very excited to take this trip of a lifetime together, to visit some of Europe and to see our students again. We value your prayers for us on this trip and hope the rest of your summer is safe, enjoyable and rich with God's blessings!

Glenn Smith  - Elder