Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 2013 Elder BLog

It sure is great to see everyone gearing up for fall activities lately. Vacations are wrapping up and the
kids are headed back to school to put noses to the grindstone again. Proverbs 14:23 says “In all toil
there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.” We’re taking the cue from this verse at Hope
and putting church activities back into full swing as well. It’s time for us to break out of our planning
for ministries and get to the hard work that helps us grow in our walk with Christ. You may notice
the restarts of Alpha, Connections class, Amped, and Family night just to name a few. As elders, we
encourage everyone to pick at least one church activity that stimulates your interest and see where God
takes you.

The elders are still hitting the grindstone too. We’ve enjoyed working together with the trustees
committee on a number of building and grounds issues, and with the pastoral search committee as they
continue their excellent work on presenting a candidate for associate pastor. We also wanted to thank
the members of the newly-launched security committee for filling the gaps of safety in our worship
services. Finally, we continue to work diligently at plotting the course of spiritual direction for Hope.

Please pray for us as we make the decisions that impact Hope for the next five and ten years. We spend
every meeting with the basic understanding that Hope is God’s church, and we are merely his servants.

In Christ’s Service,

Scott Voskuil, elder