Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 2012 Elder Blog

Christmas Season Greetings to Hope Church,

During our dating years, I attempted to expand my birth-day into a birth-week. Looking back, it really was a great time to attempt such a feat.  We were still in the early stages of our relationship and although it may not have really ever turned into any more gifts or special attention, I still try.  

Birthdays certainly are a special time.  Birthdays are a time to celebrate, not another year of getting older, but another look back on what significance that person has had in our lives.  Some years may seem more special than others.  Maybe a landmark 18th birthday or maybe just another day that you went to work, came home and did the nightly routine, maybe even no cake or candles. 

But Christ’s birthday is special every year.  As we have been learning in the sermon series, He is our King.  He deserves our full attention and recognition.  This is a time we can celebrate his entrance into the world as we know it and the ultimate significance that comes with His arrival.  He is worthy of celebration beyond just the day we call Christmas.  Although my own attempts have been unsuccessful to expand my own birth-day, He truly deserves our attention throughout the Christmas season. 

This Christmas season we are as excited as ever to celebrate Christ’s birthday and we are as excited as ever to be a part of the Hope community.   Our annual business meeting will take place on Sunday night, January 27th.  Watch for details in the upcoming weeks.  We hope to see you there.  We are currently working on establishing a Trustee’s Committee.  This very important group will be responsible for decisions pertaining to the land and property use.  We are also continuing our search for additional Elder candidates.  Contact one of the elders if you have questions or are interested in serving either of these areas. 

Blessings this Christmas Season,

David Portmann, - Elder